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187 Results Found for "CAN"


Self-Care for Teachers
Self-Care for Teachers

In this chapter from Brain-Based Learning, authors Eric Jensen and Liesl McConchie guide teachers through the principles that will support them in sustaining their physical, emotional, and social health so that they can be the teacher they strive to be.


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Welcome and Overview
Welcome and Overview

In this excerpt from A Fresh Look at Phonics, author Wiley Blevins discusses his motivation for writing the book and describes the ways that its contents can be benefits to teachers, administrators, and coaches alike.


Chapter 3: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
Chapter 3: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

In this free excerpt from Teaching, Learning, and Trauma, Grades 6-12, the authors discuss the importance of self-care for teachers and students alike, and provides strategies and tips for maintaining your own mental health so that you can better support students. 


COVID-19 and The Art of Holding Steady in Turbulent Times
COVID-19 and The Art of Holding Steady in Turbulent Times

"As an educator you have a unique opportunity to role model for your students how to stay calm during uncertain times. The first step is to know how to do that for yourself before you can do it for your children, spouse, family, and students." Read the full blog from author Beth Kelley on Corwin Connect.

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Literacy-Rich Activites for At-Home Instruction
Literacy-Rich Activites for At-Home Instruction

Molly Ness, author of Every Minute Matters, has devised ways to make her literacy rich activities doable at home, so families, teachers, and kids can still have fun with literacy, even at a distance.


The Skill, Will, and Thrill of Reading Comprehension
The Skill, Will, and Thrill of Reading Comprehension

Read this article published by ASCD in which Comprehension authors Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey present a three-pronged framework can help students not only learn meaning of texts, but also gain motivation and purpose from them.

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Webinar: Planning Powerful Instruction: 7 Must-Make Moves of Transformative Teaching—and Learning
Webinar: Planning Powerful Instruction: 7 Must-Make Moves of Transformative Teaching—and Learning

Uncover from Jeff Wilhelm and Adam Fachler, authors of Planning Powerful Instruction, Grades 6-12the EMPOWER Method, a dynamic instructional framework that will transform how you plan so you can transform how your students learn.

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Chapter 1: Implementing What Works Best
Chapter 1: Implementing What Works Best

In this chapter from Great Teaching by Design, the authors discuss that we can implement what works best by explicitly uncovering where our learners are in their learning journey, learning from research, and continuously evaluating the impact of our decisions on learning.


7 Ways to Infuse Your Curriculum With Hope
7 Ways to Infuse Your Curriculum With Hope

"Young people dealing with the effects of the pandemic can be encouraged through lessons that inspire resilience." Read the full article by Heather Wolpert-Gawron, author of Just Ask Us, on Edutopia.

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Using the Workshop Model to Foster Independence
Using the Workshop Model to Foster Independence

"The popular lesson framework can help keep remote teaching manageable while encouraging students to develop self-reliance." Read the full article by Paul Emerich France, author of Humanizing Distance Learning, on Edutopia. 

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 Create Your Reality through Your Dreams
Create Your Reality through Your Dreams

We create what we love. Read this chapter opener from Teaching With Light by Carol Radford for a look at how dreams can become realities, if we choose the actions that align with our skills and gifts. 

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Excerpt: Out of Crisis Breakthrough Leadership Supplement
Excerpt: Out of Crisis Breakthrough Leadership Supplement

"How can educators use lessons learned during the pandemic to create a more equitable learning environment for all students, keep the positive aspects of distance learning while mitigating the negative effects, and support students who are marginalized because of lack of internet access and families who are struggling economically and cannot support learning from home?"

