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187 Results Found for "CAN"


Introduction to Responsive Collaboration for IEP and 504 Teams
Introduction to Responsive Collaboration for IEP and 504 Teams

In this introduction to Responsive Collaboration for IEP and 504 Teams, authors Albert Johnson-Mussad and Laurel Peltier discuss the various forces that impact IEP and 504 Teams and outline who this book is for and how it can help.

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Emotional regulation continues with students
Emotional regulation continues with students

Emotional regulation for students begins with learning the names of emotions and matching those labels to how they are feeling; the zones of regulation and the wheel of emotion in The Social-Emotional Learning Playbook can aid this process. 


Letter to the SEL Coach
Letter to the SEL Coach

In this preface from The SEL Coach, author Jennifer Rogers writes to SEL Coaches to explain what tools and resources they can expect to find inside, as well as provide a SEL Coach To-Do List to get them started.

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Prologue: Our Problem, Our Path
Prologue: Our Problem, Our Path

This beginning excerpt from Our Problem, Our Path includes the prologue, who this book is for, what this book aims to do, why this book matters, and how two White women can write a book about racism.

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The Principles of Identity Safety
The Principles of Identity Safety

"A fuller investigation of identity safety principles and applying them across the school as useful guides and resources can anchor our understanding for connecting the individual parts into a broader and more manageable view." - Belonging and Inclusion in Identity Safe Schools

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Webinar: Move & Learn
Webinar: Move & Learn

Quick physical and mental activities are perfect for transitions and help learners re-focus and refresh. In this exciting webinar, authors David Sladkey and Scott Miller share the surprising effects of incorporating movement in the classroom, plus ready-to-go Brain Breaks that you can use with your students.

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Webinar: Move & Learn
Webinar: Move & Learn

Quick physical and mental activities are perfect for transitions and help learners re-focus and refresh. In this exciting webinar, authors David Sladkey and Scott Miller share the surprising effects of incorporating movement in the classroom, plus ready-to-go Brain Breaks that you can use with your students.

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Evaluating Mastery Learning
Evaluating Mastery Learning

To determine if implementing mastery learning has led to meaningful change and positive improvements requires some form of evaluation. We need to verify whether or not intended outcomes were achieved and also if there were positive or negative unintended consequences that resulted from implementation. This resource includes a discussion on three types of data you can collect to evaluate mastery learning.

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Webinar: De-Implementation
Webinar: De-Implementation

In this presentation, Peter DeWitt focuses on de-implementation, which is the abandoning of low value practices (van Bodegom-Vos L.). Tackling the challenge of overwork, he shares the different forms de-implementation can take and when it makes sense to use a formalized process to lessen waste, increase results, and support major school improvement efforts.

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Webinar: Truly Impactful Early Childhood Education
Webinar: Truly Impactful Early Childhood Education

Discover how research can guide our decisions as we plan, teach, document, and partner with learners, families and colleagues. In this webinar, authors Kateri Thunder, John Almarode, Alisha Demchak, Douglas Fisher, and Nancy Frey unpack coherent practices that form a strong foundation for learning over time.

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What's New in the Second Edition
What's New in the Second Edition

This book focuses on the ways in which school leaders—including superintendents, principals, curriculum supervisors, coaches, mentors, teachers, teacher educators, and other stakeholders—can create effective school policies, practices, and structures for MLs in their contexts. Read on to learn what's changed since the first edition of this bestselling book was published and explore the focus of each chapter.

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