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187 Results Found for "CAN"


Co-Teacher Activity: Taking Stock
Co-Teacher Activity: Taking Stock

Complete this activity from The Co-Teacher's Playbook as a co-teaching team to take stock of your individual strengths and goals in order to better understand how you can better work together.


Tech Tools Recommendation: Google Keep
Tech Tools Recommendation: Google Keep

This excerpt from 50+ Tech Tools for School Counselors describes organization tool Google Keep, which educators can use to create task lists for projects, work collaboratively to check off items as completed, and see what else needs to be done.


How to: Keeping the Entire Class Engaged and Accountable During Individual Presentations
How to: Keeping the Entire Class Engaged and Accountable During Individual Presentations

This handy chart from The Five Practices in Practice, Elementary, by Margaret “Peg” Smith, Victoria Bill, and Miriam Gamoran Sherin identifies a set of moves that teachers can make to hold students accountable for attending to mathematics discussions and presentations.


Gradual Release of Responsibility Within Your Balanced Literacy Groups
Gradual Release of Responsibility Within Your Balanced Literacy Groups

Read how you can enact a gradual release of responsibilty within your Balanced Literacy groups in this blog post from Nancy Akhavan, co-author of This Is Balanced Literacy

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Why You Need to Teach Students to Mathematize
Why You Need to Teach Students to Mathematize

In this introduction from Mathematize It!, Grades 3-5, the authors clearly define mathematizing and explain why it is critically important in order for students to make accurate and meaningful connections between word problems and the operations that can solve them, developing and strengthening their operation sense.


Foreword from John Hattie
Foreword from John Hattie

This foreword from The School in the Cloud, by education researcher John Hattie, discusses how, with Sugata Mitra's model of schooling in the cloud, we can use the technologies that are now available to conceive of a totally different type of schooling.

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Foreword from the Pupils of Class 3G
Foreword from the Pupils of Class 3G

This foreword from The School in the Cloud, written by a class of seven-year-old students, serves as an example of what students can do in a self-organised learning environment (SOLE). 

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Webinar: Leadership Coaching
Webinar: Leadership Coaching

By helping leaders focus on impactful goals, coaches demonstrate how leaders can become better coaches for their assistant principals, building an overall stronger school community. Watch Peter DeWitt, author of Coach It Further,  as he uses a unique case study approach to guide participants through the coaching process.

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Formative Assessment Tracking Sheet
Formative Assessment Tracking Sheet

Using this Formative Tracking Sheet from Swanson and Ferguson’s Unleashing Student Superpowers, your students can self-assess their progress across any lesson. (K-12)

Activity: Zip, Zap, Zop
Activity: Zip, Zap, Zop

"Zip, Zap, Zop" is a classic simple warm-up game, featured in Mathematical Argumentation in Middle School, that helps students understand that it is OK to make mistakes, speak so that everyone can hear, and pay close attention to one another.

