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187 Results Found for "CAN"


Commonly Used Notation in Middle School That Needs Attention
Commonly Used Notation in Middle School That Needs Attention

This table from The Math Pact, Middle School by Sarah B. Bush, Karen S. Karp, and Barbara J. Dougherty outlines notation in elementary school that needs attention and what they can be replaced with. 



Commonly Used Notation in High School That Needs Attention
Commonly Used Notation in High School That Needs Attention

This table from The Math Pact, High School by Barbara J. Dougherty, Karen S. Karp, and Sarah B. Bush outlines notation in elementary school that needs attention and what they can be replaced with. 



Figure 6.1: Continuum of Disrespect, Aggression, and Violence Toward Girls
Figure 6.1: Continuum of Disrespect, Aggression, and Violence Toward Girls

Unchecked disrespect toward girls and women can escalate to verbal and physical harassment and even sexual assault. Common behaviors reported by girls are depicted in figure 6.1.


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Creating an Actively Engaged Classroom Introduction
Creating an Actively Engaged Classroom Introduction

In this introductory excerpt from Creating an Actively Engaged Classroom, the authors discuss the importance of engagement on student learning and summarize the strategies that can be learned throughout the rest of the book.

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How Do I Nurture Students’ Math Identity?
How Do I Nurture Students’ Math Identity?

Student experiences and interactions at school, in the community, and at home shape their identities. Use this resource to nurture your students’ math identities so that they can grow and learn as mathematicians.

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Chapter 4: East Coast Districts (United States) In Action
Chapter 4: East Coast Districts (United States) In Action

"Each of our eight cases represents a major press forward in learning for all students under current conditions, and as such captures what can be accomplished through deep leadership. The foundation idea for Ithaca City School District is that one."

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Practitioner's Corner: Avoid Teaching Concepts That Are Very Similar to Improve Transfer
Practitioner's Corner: Avoid Teaching Concepts That Are Very Similar to Improve Transfer

In this "Practitioner's Corner" from How the Brain Learns, 6th Edition, you'll learn how teaching concepts that are similar can hinder, rather than help, transfer learning. Plus, author David A. Sousa offers his solutions.


Baseline Social Emotional Well-Being Check-In
Baseline Social Emotional Well-Being Check-In

Use this checklist from Social Emotional Well-Being for Educators to reflect on your currently social and emotional well-being. This self-assessment shows you where you start so that you can begin to move forward.


Introduction: A Call to Action
Introduction: A Call to Action

"...An approach that is simple in design but complex in execution. It is more than a little messy,...but is an organizational framework that can have a profound impact on student success and educator collective efficacy!"

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Why Does Your School Need an SEL Coach?
Why Does Your School Need an SEL Coach?

Jennifer Rogers, author of The SEL Coach, reflects on the need for effective SEL implementation in schools, plus shares her insights into six roles that the SEL coach can play in your school.

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Letter to Superintendents and District/Building Administrators
Letter to Superintendents and District/Building Administrators

In this preface from The SEL Coach, author Jennifer Rogers writes to Superintendents and District/Building Administrators to explain the importance of SEL in their district and how they can offer support.

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Manage Conflict
Manage Conflict

Explore moves skillful team leaders (STLs) can employ to manage conflict in this excerpt from Intentional Moves

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