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110 Results Found for "Teaching Methods"


Hack Your Space
Hack Your Space

This table from Great Teaching by Design contains several ideas to "hack" a classroom or remote learning space, in order to set up the best environment for student learning.


Clarifying Transfer: The Ultimate Goal of Learning
Clarifying Transfer: The Ultimate Goal of Learning

"They want kids to see the world differently, and to be empowered to act differently, because of what they have learned. It seems that the goal of all learning—not just conceptual understanding—is transfer." Read more from Julie Stern, author of Tools for Teaching Conceptual Understanding, Elementary, on Corwin Connect.

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Think Sheets
Think Sheets

This 'think sheet' from SEL From a Distance for younger students teaches them to reflect on their behavior.



Inquiry Self-Survey
Inquiry Self-Survey

Use this self-survey from Experience Inquiry by Kimberly Mitchell to determine whether you are already teaching in an inquiry-based way.


Co-Teacher Activity: Taking Stock
Co-Teacher Activity: Taking Stock

Complete this activity from The Co-Teacher's Playbook as a co-teaching team to take stock of your individual strengths and goals in order to better understand how you can better work together.


Rebound: Rebuilding Agency, Accelerating Learning Recovery, Rethinking Schools
Rebound: Rebuilding Agency, Accelerating Learning Recovery, Rethinking Schools

In this Rebound webinar, presenters Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, Dominique Smith demonstrate how to take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to reboot teaching and learning as we know it so we can move forward with fresh optimism and better systems for schooling.

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Reinvesting & Rebounding: Where Evidence Points for Accelerating Learning
Reinvesting & Rebounding: Where Evidence Points for Accelerating Learning

Join John Almarode, John Hattie, Nancy Frey, and AASA Associate Executive Director of Advocacy and Governance Noelle Ellerson Ng for a discussion of what it will take to bring our schools back stronger than ever and reimagine teaching and learning for a brighter future.

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How Feedback Works Webinar
How Feedback Works Webinar

This webinar will explore best practices around feedback and how it can best be utilized to impact student learning. Participants will learns do's and don'ts of effective feedback; how feedback can develop assessment capable learners; and tools for using feedback as part of teaching and learning.

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BAM Education Radio Podcast, Teaching Middle Schoolers in 2022: A Shortlist of What Still Works and What Rarely Does
BAM Education Radio Podcast, Teaching Middle Schoolers in 2022: A Shortlist of What Still Works and What Rarely Does

Serena Pariser joins BAM Education Radio Podcast to talk about what middle schoolers need and what qualities make middle school teachers effective.

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Webinar: Real Talk About Classroom Management
Webinar: Real Talk About Classroom Management

Listen in as Serena Pariser, author of Real Talk About Classroom Management, shares her practical classroom management strategies that can be implemented into any classroom. 

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Nottingham & Renton's Using Dialogue to Develop a Language of Learning Webinar
Nottingham & Renton's Using Dialogue to Develop a Language of Learning Webinar

Hear from  Nottingham and  Renton why and how classroom discussion can be one of the most important vehicles for student learning. 

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Webinar: The Learning Challenge
Webinar: The Learning Challenge

Hear from James Nottingham, author of The Learning Challenge, as he explains the Learning Pit and what the best "Pit Tools" are for student learning. 

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