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128 Results Found for "mathematics"


Counting Backward Lesson
Counting Backward Lesson

Using Audrey & Bruce Wood's book Ten Little Fish, students learn to count backward from 10 by 1s, a precursor for subtraction. This lesson appears in Numbers & Stories. (Elementary)


The Five Practices in Practice: Assessing Student Thinking
The Five Practices in Practice: Assessing Student Thinking

This excerpt from The Five Practices in Practice helps you assess student thinking in ways that take them from where they are now and move them towards the lesson goals.


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The Five Practices in Practice: Anticipating Student Responses in Problem Solving
The Five Practices in Practice: Anticipating Student Responses in Problem Solving

This excerpt from The Five Practices in Practice demonstrates strategies to anticipate student responses in problem solving, including planning to respond to students using assessing and advancing questions, and preparing to notice key aspects of students’ thinking in the midst of instruction.


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Routine 13: Where's the Point?
Routine 13: Where's the Point?

This routine from Daily Routines to Jump-Start Math Class, Elementary, helps students develop a more robust understanding of—and flexible thinking about—numbers and their relationships, which positions them for greater success when working with numbers. 


Webinar: Jumpstart Student Reasoning and Number Sense, Grades 3-8
Webinar: Jumpstart Student Reasoning and Number Sense, Grades 3-8

In this session led by John SanGiovanni, author of Daily Routines to Jump-Start Math Class, Middle School, participants learn about dynamic, practical routines for developing number sense and fluency with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratio, and operations.

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Webinar: Jumpstart Student Reasoning and Number Sense in Elementary Grades and Beyond
Webinar: Jumpstart Student Reasoning and Number Sense in Elementary Grades and Beyond

In this session led by John SanGiovanni, author of Daily Routines to Jump-Start Math Class, Elementary, participants learn about dynamic, practical routines for developing number sense and fluency with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratio, and operations.

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The Importance of Debriefing in Learning and What That Might Look Like in the Classroom
The Importance of Debriefing in Learning and What That Might Look Like in the Classroom

"Debriefing is a daily exercise in most professions: business, politics, law enforcement, psychology, healthcare, law, etc. It is often seen as integral to the profession as members reflect on their learning experiences, track their progress, and name their understandings. In truth, debriefing is accepted as an everyday necessity in order for the professional to advance in his/her practice."

Read more from Margie Pearse, author of Teaching Numeracy, on Corwin Connect.

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Unpacking the Practice: Anticipating Student Responses
Unpacking the Practice: Anticipating Student Responses

This practice activity from The Five Practices in Practice, Elementary, by Margaret “Peg” Smith, Victoria Bill, and Miriam Gamoran Sherin involves thinking about different ways students might solve the task, planning to respond to students using assessing and advancing questions, and preparing to notice key aspects of students’ thinking in the midst of instruction. 


Hinge Question Implementation Tool
Hinge Question Implementation Tool

This Hinge Question Implementation Tool from The Formative 5 helps you to organize your thoughts around a single hinge question in order to better assess your students' progress and define next steps for their continued learning.


Classroom Observation Checklist
Classroom Observation Checklist

Use this observation checklist from The Formative 5 to organize your observations of your students' progress in the classroom related to a specific task. 

