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128 Results Found for "mathematics"


ACTIVITY 4.11: Quotient Connect Game
ACTIVITY 4.11: Quotient Connect Game

This game is an engaging way to practice division using Partial Quotients. It is played similarly to the classic board game Boggle as students find quotients through connected digits.

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Activity 5.7: Worked Examples For Ratios and Proportions
Activity 5.7: Worked Examples For Ratios and Proportions

Use this activity for worked examples for ratios and proportions. Correctly worked examples and partially solved worked examples benefit students so that they can understand strategy.


Activity 6.10: The Transformer Game
Activity 6.10: The Transformer Game

This game is a fun way to give students opportunities to choose and use different basic transformations to start solving equations.

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Activity 7.7: "Would You Rather..." Routine
Activity 7.7: "Would You Rather..." Routine

There are two versions of this routine with systems of linear equations—choosing different strategies (e.g., Use Tables or Use Graphs) and making choices within a strategy (e.g., For which variable will I substitute? Or Which variables will I eliminate?).

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Activity 6.2: Which Has More?
Activity 6.2: Which Has More?

In this activity, students connect comparing numbers presented as sets of objects to your current grade-level content. This excerpt includes the material list and discussion points.


Activity 8.1: Fishing for Tens
Activity 8.1: Fishing for Tens

In this activity, students connect composing and decomposing a 10 to your current grade-level content. Material list and discussion points included.


Chapter 3
Chapter 3

In this chapter, learn how to keep small group members on track and how to select math routines.

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Free Resources Coming Soon
Free Resources Coming Soon

Free resources for Engaging in Culturally Relevant Math Tasks: Fostering Hope in the Middle and High School Classroom COMING SOON!


Vocabulary Considerations
Vocabulary Considerations

Learn more about math and science vocabulary considerations in this excerpt.

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Algebra Task 7.3
Algebra Task 7.3

In this algebra task, students use properties of operations to modify algebraic riddles.


Algebra Task 8.8
Algebra Task 8.8

In this task, students create functions to model patterns found in geometric and table representations and identify rate of change (slope).


STEAM Education for Each and Every Student
STEAM Education for Each and Every Student

"In our work with schools and districts developing integrated STEAM infrastructures, we have found that STEAM instruction can deepen students’ mathematics and science learning, serve as an avenue to engage each and every student, and expose students to STEAM careers (Bush & Cook, 2019)."

Read more from Kristin Cook and Sarah Bush, authors of Step Into STEAM, Grades K-5, on Corwin Connect.

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