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Adapting Assessments
Adapting Assessments

In this excerpt from Creating a Self-Directed Learning Environment, the author explains two types of assessments and how they see each test question as a potential way of gauging not whether a student has learned a standard at an expected level of proficiency and to identify the next step of that skill’s development.


6 Steps for Developing Effective Summative Assessments
6 Steps for Developing Effective Summative Assessments

In this module from The Teacher Clarity Playbook, Grades K-12, the authors discuss summative assessment and provide six steps to developing sound summative assessments that effectively mesasure the standard. 


The Hope for PLC+
The Hope for PLC+

In this excerpt from PLC+, the authors discuss their hope for the PLC+ model and what they see as the future of PLCs.  


Teacher Collective Credibility and Efficacy
Teacher Collective Credibility and Efficacy

In this excerpt from PLC+, the authors discuss factors that can contribute to an individual teacher’s success, including credibility and efficacy, and how, through PLCs, these strengths can become collective to benefit the school as a whole.


Multiplying & Dividing Fractions Lesson
Multiplying & Dividing Fractions Lesson

Students apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions using this lesson from The Common Core Mathematics Companion, 3-5. (Elementary)

Ratios and Proportional Relationships Lesson
Ratios and Proportional Relationships Lesson

Using this lesson from The Common Core Mathematics Companion, 6-8, students analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems (Secondary).

Classroom Formative Assessment Matrix
Classroom Formative Assessment Matrix

Learn how to use this Matrix featured in Realizing Rigor to refine strategies and select student actions. (Secondary)

Counting Backward Lesson
Counting Backward Lesson

Using Audrey & Bruce Wood's book Ten Little Fish, students learn to count backward from 10 by 1s, a precursor for subtraction. This lesson appears in Numbers & Stories. (Elementary)

Chapter 4: Using and Applying Curriculum Topic Study
Chapter 4: Using and Applying Curriculum Topic Study

In this chapter from Science Curriculum Topic Study, the authors make clear the appropriate uses and applications of Curriculum Topic Study (CTS) and help the reader to identify the sections that apply to their own circumstances.

