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Planning Effective Strengths-Based Instruction
Planning Effective Strengths-Based Instruction

This excerpt from Strengths-Based Teaching and Learning in Mathematics outlines effective mathematics teaching principals and how to utilize strengths-based instruction.





Group Activity: Brain Drain
Group Activity: Brain Drain

In this group activity from More Energizing Brain Breaks, students practice communicating their undersanding of a difficult concept to peers in order to reinforce their recent learning.


Partner Activity: Quick Math Addition
Partner Activity: Quick Math Addition

In this partner activity from More Energizing Brain Breaks, students compete against a partner to do quick addition with small numbers.


Solo Activity: Waiter/Waitress
Solo Activity: Waiter/Waitress

In this solo activity from More Energizing Brain Breaks, students practice balance and control as they learn to move a "tray" around their bodies without letting it fall.


What Productive Struggle Is and Isn't
What Productive Struggle Is and Isn't

This free resource from Productive Math Struggle outlines how teachers can identify what is and isn't productive struggle. 



Productive Struggle Look-Fors
Productive Struggle Look-Fors

This resource from Produtive Math Struggle presents a productive struggle walkthrough tool for teacher behaviors, student behaviors, or both.



Productive Struggle Self-Inventory
Productive Struggle Self-Inventory

This resource from Productive Math Struggle gives teachers a self inventory survey to assess where they are with productive struggle.




The foreword from Productive Math Struggle by Matt Larson introduces the topic of productive struggle and why it should be used in the classroom.



Building Coherent Grading and Reporting Systems in Competency-Based Education, Part 1
Building Coherent Grading and Reporting Systems in Competency-Based Education, Part 1

"As educators move to competency-based designs in teaching and assessment, they often realize that their traditional or standards-based grading approaches are inadequate in communicating student learning. These limitations include..." Read the full article by Rose Colby, co-author of Deeper Competency-Based Learning on the CompetencyWorks blog.

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Introducing the Empower Canvas
Introducing the Empower Canvas

In this excerpt from Planning Powerful Instruction, Grades 2-5, the authors introduce and explain the EMPOWER framework that will empower your units and lessons for transformational teaching and learning.

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Talk Moves for Math Discussions
Talk Moves for Math Discussions

This excerpt from The Five Practices in Practice, High School, provides 'talk moves' designed to engage students in class discussions.


