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Self-Care for Teachers
Self-Care for Teachers

In this chapter from Brain-Based Learning, authors Eric Jensen and Liesl McConchie guide teachers through the principles that will support them in sustaining their physical, emotional, and social health so that they can be the teacher they strive to be.


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How Our Senses Impact Learning
How Our Senses Impact Learning

In this chapter from Brain-Based Learning, authors Eric Jensen and Liesl McConchie discuss how each of the senses impact learning.


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Social Justice Teaching Strategies
Social Justice Teaching Strategies

This excerpt from High School Mathematics Lessons to Explore, Understand, and Respond to Social Injustice gives teachers a chart of instructional strategies for teaching mathematics for social justice.



Lesson: Listen to GLSEN
Lesson: Listen to GLSEN

This lesson from High School Mathematics Lessons to Explore, Understand, and Respond to Social Injustice introduces students to the GLSEN School Climate Report on how LGBTQ+ students are being mistreated, among other things.



Laying the Groundwork for Visible Learning
Laying the Groundwork for Visible Learning

In this free excerpt, the authors lay the groundwork for visible learning in social studies.




Chapter 4: Reinforcing Your Plan
Chapter 4: Reinforcing Your Plan

This chapter from The Mathematics Lesson-Planning Handbook, Grades 3-5, introduces and explains how to use learning intentions and success criteria in the math classroom.



Pre-Assessment Strategies
Pre-Assessment Strategies

These pre-assessment strategies from Every Math Learner, Grades 6-12, will help to better prepare your students for an exam.




Educator SEL Self-Care Behaviors During Distance Education
Educator SEL Self-Care Behaviors During Distance Education

In this resource from Start With the Heart author Michelle Trujillo, you'll discover critical behaviors for self-care to do during distance education, in order to effectively care for ourselves and others.


Clarity for Learning Study Guide
Clarity for Learning Study Guide

Use this study guide to Clarity for Learning to lead a book study and dive deep into the concepts presented in the book.


Why You Need to Teach Students to Mathematize
Why You Need to Teach Students to Mathematize

This excerpt from chapter one of Mathematize It!, Grades K-2 introduces why you should teach students to mathematize.


