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Chapter 3: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
Chapter 3: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

In this free excerpt from Teaching, Learning, and Trauma, Grades 6-12, the authors discuss the importance of self-care for teachers and students alike, and provides strategies and tips for maintaining your own mental health so that you can better support students. 


Strategies for Sustaining Your Well-Being: How Long Are We Supposed to Do This?
Strategies for Sustaining Your Well-Being: How Long Are We Supposed to Do This?

"Week five, and maybe you feel a little more confident. And in the same nano-second of time that you feel like you are just arriving at “I got this,” there is another feeling snuggling right up to your new-found confidence. It feels something like dread. How am I going to do this until the end of the school year? Is this really sustainable?" Read the full blog by author Beth Kelley on Corwin Connect.

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COVID-19 and The Art of Holding Steady in Turbulent Times
COVID-19 and The Art of Holding Steady in Turbulent Times

"As an educator you have a unique opportunity to role model for your students how to stay calm during uncertain times. The first step is to know how to do that for yourself before you can do it for your children, spouse, family, and students." Read the full blog from author Beth Kelley on Corwin Connect.

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The Skill, Will, and Thrill of Comprehending Content Area Texts
The Skill, Will, and Thrill of Comprehending Content Area Texts

Read this article from ILA's "Literacy Across Disciplines" by Douglas Fisher & Nancy Frey, authors of Comprehension. Inside, the authors discuss their vision for not only deepening students' understanding of complex texts, but energizing and inspiring students to read passionately.

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Think Dots
Think Dots

This free resource from Every Math Learner, Grades K-5, explains the Think Dots strategy, which is best used to develop and assess understandings of math embedded in skills.



Why Include this Station?
Why Include this Station?

In this excerpt, author Debbie Diller discusses the importance of partner stations and why they should be included in classrooms; as well as how to implement and set up the station.


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Literacy-Rich Activities
Literacy-Rich Activities

In this excerpt, author Molly Ness explains the benefits to literacy-rich activities and includes some activities to try out with students.



Pandemic Reentry Plan: Recommendations for the First 100 Days
Pandemic Reentry Plan: Recommendations for the First 100 Days

In this excerpt from Breakthrough Leadership by Alan M. Blankstein and Marcus J. Newsome, the authors provide recommendations for the first one hundred days of school in a pandemic re-entry plan.



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Literacy-Rich Activites for At-Home Instruction
Literacy-Rich Activites for At-Home Instruction

Molly Ness, author of Every Minute Matters, has devised ways to make her literacy rich activities doable at home, so families, teachers, and kids can still have fun with literacy, even at a distance.


Article: Vulnerability Can Be a Strength for Educators. Let’s Embrace It.
Article: Vulnerability Can Be a Strength for Educators. Let’s Embrace It.

In this article by Caitlin Krause, author of Mindful by Design, she provides five research-grounded practices to help educators embrace vulnerability as a strength. 

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Sheila's Story
Sheila's Story

In this excerpt from Stories of Caring School Leadership, the power of caring school leadership is exemplified through a principals story.


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