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Coaching with Care
Coaching with Care

 In this excerpt from Stories of Caring School Leadership, a story about the power coaching with care is told.


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Family Support
Family Support

In this excerpt from Stories of Caring School Leadership, an assistant principals story explains the importance of family support.


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Lonely Girls: How the Pandemic Has Deepened the Isolation of Adolescents
Lonely Girls: How the Pandemic Has Deepened the Isolation of Adolescents

In this article from The Wall Street Journal, Girls Without Limits author Lisa Hinkelman offers her comments on the social and emotional effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent girls. 

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Ten Key Characteristics of High-Performance Cultures
Ten Key Characteristics of High-Performance Cultures

This complimentary excerpt from Stop Fake Work in Education by Gaylan Nielson and Betty Burks outlines the ten key characteristics of high-performance cultures.



The Skill, Will, and Thrill of Reading Comprehension
The Skill, Will, and Thrill of Reading Comprehension

Read this article published by ASCD in which Comprehension authors Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey present a three-pronged framework can help students not only learn meaning of texts, but also gain motivation and purpose from them.

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Distance Learning Suggestions from Flash Feedback
Distance Learning Suggestions from Flash Feedback

In a distance learning environment, feedback and relationships with students will matter more than ever before. Matthew Johnson created this quick-read companion to his book, Flash Feedback, to help teachers implement specific modifications for distance learning, while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.


Recommending Men’s Actions as Allies, Advocates, and Mentors
Recommending Men’s Actions as Allies, Advocates, and Mentors

In this excerpt from Leading While Female, the authors recommend actions for men to become allies, advocates, and mentors.


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Module 1: Take Care of Yourself
Module 1: Take Care of Yourself

In this critical module from The Distance Learning Playbook, authors Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie outline the importance of taking the time to take care of yourself in order to help others.


Webinar: Building and Developing Assessment-Capable Learners
Webinar: Building and Developing Assessment-Capable Learners

Join Professor John Hattie as he discusses the importance of fostering an environment where students are encouraged to take ownership of their learning. 

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Webinar: Know Thy Impact
Webinar: Know Thy Impact

Professor John Hattie discusses why it's important to “know thy impact” and how to implement a cycle of inquiry, evaluation, and implementation into your school.

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Webinar: Adaptive Expertise and Professional Learning
Webinar: Adaptive Expertise and Professional Learning

Deidre Le Fevre and Kaye Twyford will explain what adaptive expertise is, how it works, why it helps create change and improvement in complex learning environments, and how it can be applied in your own context. 

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Webinar: CLARITY: What Matters Most in Learning, Teaching, and Leading
Webinar: CLARITY: What Matters Most in Learning, Teaching, and Leading

Join Lyn Sharratt, author of CLARITY,  in this three-part webinar, in which she describes how Clarity can be realized in 1. Learning, 2. Teaching, and 3. Leading. Lyn promises no silver bullets; after all, there are none. The real power of data, she insists, resides in the “aha” outcomes of collaborative conversations with, and ‘roll-up-your sleeves’ work by ALL stakeholders, focused on students’ faces, as data today is instruction tomorrow.

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