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Moving From Counting to Addition and Subtraction
Moving From Counting to Addition and Subtraction

This excerpt from chapter two of Mathematize It!, Grades K-2  explains how to move from counting to adding and subracting.



Feedback Strategies
Feedback Strategies

This excerpt from Visible Learning for Social Studies covers feedback strategies to use in the classroom.



Examples of Surface, Deep, and Transfer Strategies in Geography
Examples of Surface, Deep, and Transfer Strategies in Geography

This excerpt includes examples of surface, deep, and transfer strategies for geography in Visible Learning for Social Studies.



Top Ten Tips for Questioning
Top Ten Tips for Questioning

This excerpt from Challenging Learning Through Questioning outlines the top ten tips for better questioning. 



Meeting the Challenges of Early Literacy Phonics Instruction
Meeting the Challenges of Early Literacy Phonics Instruction

"The question of whether to include phonics instruction has been resolved. The answer is yes." Read the full article by A Fresh Look at Phonics author Wiley Blevins, published by the International Literacy Association.

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Welcome and Overview
Welcome and Overview

In this excerpt from A Fresh Look at Phonics, author Wiley Blevins discusses his motivation for writing the book and describes the ways that its contents can be benefits to teachers, administrators, and coaches alike.


Webinar: Visible Learning for Social Studies
Webinar: Visible Learning for Social Studies

How do we maximize precious time to ensure that students grasp enough to prepare them for informed civic life? The discipline of social studies is far more than memorizing dates and facts. It involves the skillful ability to conduct investigations, analyze sources, place events in historical and cultural context, and synthesize various points of view, while recognizing our own biases. Join Julie Stern in this webinar to understand how using the right approach at the right time can maximize student learning.

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Webinar: Beautiful Questions in the Classroom
Webinar: Beautiful Questions in the Classroom

Why does engagement plummet as learners advance in school? Why does the stream of questions from curious toddlers slow to a trickle as they become teenagers? Most importantly, what can teachers and schools do to reverse this trend? Join Warren Berger and Elise Foster as they discuss how educators can transform their classrooms into cultures of curiosity.

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Webinar: Strengths-Based Mathematics Instruction
Webinar: Strengths-Based Mathematics Instruction

What if we were regularly told only what we don’t do well? How can we expect our students, many who face the same messages, to continue to persevere? What if we transformed our classrooms to strengths-based environments that cultivate the assets that our students bring each and every day? These are the very issues Kobett and Karp will address in this webinar and how by shifting your attention from students’ weaknesses to their strengths you can maximize understanding and turnaround instruction.

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Readers Guide
Readers Guide

This readers guide helps you reflect and discuss each lesson from Strengths-Based Teaching and Learning In Mathematics.




The introduction to 10 Mindframes for Leaders introduces important leadership practices for the VISIBLE LEARNING(R) framework and explains why teachers should use this book as a guide.


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Core Competencies of CBE
Core Competencies of CBE

This excerpt from Deeper Competency-Based Learning, by Karin Hess, Rose Colby, and Daniel Joseph shows the core components of CBE.


