In this webinar, Serena Pariser will uncover the steps to creating a dynamic classroom and answer questions that linger in the mind of a newer teacher or teachers looking to refresh their teaching practice.
In this webinar, Serena Pariser will uncover the steps to creating a dynamic classroom and answer questions that linger in the mind of a newer teacher or teachers looking to refresh their teaching practice.
Read the foreward from Shayna Sullivan, PhD, and the Prologue to Belonging and Inclusion in Identity Safe Schools.
"The work of identity safety emerged as a way to counteract the debilitating effects of stereotype threat. By grasping the pervasive damage of stereotype threat we come to understand the import for identity safety as an antidote" - Belonging and Inclusion in Identity Safe Schools.
Explore the four domains of identity-safe schools--Student-Centered Teaching, Cultivating Diversity, Classroom Relationships, Caring Classrooms--and their 12 underlying componants in this excerpt from Belonging and Inclusion in Identity Safe Schools.
"A fuller investigation of identity safety principles and applying them across the school as useful guides and resources can anchor our understanding for connecting the individual parts into a broader and more manageable view." - Belonging and Inclusion in Identity Safe Schools.
This game is an engaging way to practice division using Partial Quotients. It is played similarly to the classic board game Boggle as students find quotients through connected digits.
Use this activity for worked examples for ratios and proportions. Correctly worked examples and partially solved worked examples benefit students so that they can understand strategy.
This game is a fun way to give students opportunities to choose and use different basic transformations to start solving equations.
There are two versions of this routine with systems of linear equations—choosing different strategies (e.g., Use Tables or Use Graphs) and making choices within a strategy (e.g., For which variable will I substitute? Or Which variables will I eliminate?).
This webinar explores the use of mastery learning instructional strategies to personalize and differentiate instruction for diverse students.
Even goals that technically meet the SMART criteria—specific, measurable, attainable, results-driven, and time-bound—don't always advance student learning. Skillful team leaders align goals to priorities and ensure people have a heartfelt commitment to reaching them.
Explore moves skillful team leaders (STLs) can employ to manage conflict in this excerpt from Intentional Moves.