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Why Does Your School Need an SEL Coach?
Why Does Your School Need an SEL Coach?

Jennifer Rogers, author of The SEL Coach, reflects on the need for effective SEL implementation in schools, plus shares her insights into six roles that the SEL coach can play in your school.

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Read the foreword written by Douglas Fisher.

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Setting the Stage: From Teacher Credibility to Leader Credibility
Setting the Stage: From Teacher Credibility to Leader Credibility

"Think about two leaders in your professional life, one with strong credibility and one without. Did you choose to follow the one without strong credibility?"

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Special Education Administrator Reminder Checklist
Special Education Administrator Reminder Checklist

This handy reminder checklist from A Practical Approach to Special Education Administration lists the authors' top recommendations for Special Education Administrators.


Letter to Superintendents and District/Building Administrators
Letter to Superintendents and District/Building Administrators

In this preface from The SEL Coach, author Jennifer Rogers writes to Superintendents and District/Building Administrators to explain the importance of SEL in their district and how they can offer support.

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Letter to the SEL Coach
Letter to the SEL Coach

In this preface from The SEL Coach, author Jennifer Rogers writes to SEL Coaches to explain what tools and resources they can expect to find inside, as well as provide a SEL Coach To-Do List to get them started.

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Lesson 7.2: The True Cost of that $24 T-Shirt in the Store Window
Lesson 7.2: The True Cost of that $24 T-Shirt in the Store Window

This lesson uses a launch–explore–summarize instructional model and is intended to take approximately 120 minutes to complete across two class periods.

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Lesson 5.4: Examining Air Quality
Lesson 5.4: Examining Air Quality

The lesson intentionally has variation in structures for participation: whole group, small group, and then whole group again.

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Lesson 5.6: Challenge Ableist Assumptions in Mathematics Problems
Lesson 5.6: Challenge Ableist Assumptions in Mathematics Problems

This lesson engages students in using their bodies (i.e., their fingers) as a physical representation to support skip-counting groups of 10. At the same time, students will also unpack this common practice to begin a conversation about body diversity.

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Chapter 1: Connections
Chapter 1: Connections

Chapter 1 of Confronting the Crisis of Engagement lays out the essential nature of relationships; the components of safe and meaningful relationships; common mistakes in relationship building; student leadership; and establishing, restoring, and maintaining staff relationships.

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Introductory Activity
Introductory Activity

Use this activity to address social issues while teaching. This excerpt includes an example statement and set of questions to foster thoughtful discussion.

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Introduction: Why this book?
Introduction: Why this book?

This introduction explains the root of this book and why it was written. This excerpt also provides an overview of the content and key points to explore in the book.

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