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Chapter 1: Building a Case for Alternative Discipline
Chapter 1: Building a Case for Alternative Discipline

In this excerpt from the 2nd edition of Don't Suspend Me!, authors Jessica and John Hannigan make a case for the use of alternative discipline, including relevant statistics and helpful visuals.

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Introduction to Responsive Collaboration for IEP and 504 Teams
Introduction to Responsive Collaboration for IEP and 504 Teams

In this introduction to Responsive Collaboration for IEP and 504 Teams, authors Albert Johnson-Mussad and Laurel Peltier discuss the various forces that impact IEP and 504 Teams and outline who this book is for and how it can help.

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Get acquainted with civil discourse strengthens communities, building blocks of discourse, and the C.U.B.E.D approach.

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Bringing Morning Classroom Conversations to Your School
Bringing Morning Classroom Conversations to Your School

In this webinar, the authors of Morning Classroom Conversations share why conversation matters, what Morning Classroom Conversations (MCCs) are, and how to bring MCCs to your school and classroom.

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Get Students Thinking and Learning through SEL-Based Conversations
Get Students Thinking and Learning through SEL-Based Conversations

Have you been feeling unsure of how to reconnect with your students after returning to the classroom? Morning Classroom Conversations authors Kellie McClain and Nina Murphy share their strategies for getting students thinking and learning through SEL-based conversations in this article posted by UNESCO.

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Teaching Students How to Have Meaningful Conversations
Teaching Students How to Have Meaningful Conversations

Following a year or more spent distance learning, many students, especially adolescents, seem to need a strong refresher in conversational skills with both peers and adults. In this article, the authors of Morning Classroom Conversations share their tips for teaching students how to have more meaningful conversations.

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Chapter 1: Hope Makers
Chapter 1: Hope Makers

Read Chapter 1 from The School of Hope. Inside, author Cathleen Beachboard defines "hope" and highlights its importance in education.

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Webinar: Don't Suspend Me!
Webinar: Don't Suspend Me!

In this webinar, Jessica and John Hannigan will discuss their Don't Suspend Me! Alternative Discipline Framework for designing effective discipline using restorative, reflective, and instructional methods of supports and share lessons learned and new tips for implementation since the publication of the bestselling first edition of Don't Suspend Me!

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Alternative Discipline was always SEL
Alternative Discipline was always SEL

"As students returned to in-person instruction, their behavioral needs have intensified; the impact of trauma from the pandemic on students and teachers, as well as the increase in educator burnout, has resulted in some schools reverting back to traditional, exclusionary practices..."

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Webinar: Closing the Implementation Gap
Webinar: Closing the Implementation Gap

Watch this free Education Week webinar to explore how to bypass the implementation gap in your school or district by implementing the evidence-based and field-tested Building to Impact 5D methodology found in the all-new book, Building to Impact, by Arran Hamilton, Douglas Reeves, Janet Clinton, and John Hattie. Following the Five D’s, you’ll learn how to turn the good ideas of your leadership teams, PLCs, and educators into real systematic impact.

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Figure 1.2: Comparison of Teacher-Centered Versus Student-Centered Coaching
Figure 1.2: Comparison of Teacher-Centered Versus Student-Centered Coaching

Learn what happens when you put students at the center of your coaching!


Figure 1.4: Comparison of Teacher-Centered Versus Student-Centered Induction Approach
Figure 1.4: Comparison of Teacher-Centered Versus Student-Centered Induction Approach

Learn the differences between the teacher-centered induction approach and the student-centered induction approach.

