The damaging message inferred from the learning-loss narrative is that educators' "extraordinary commitments" and dedicated "talents, energy, and resources" last year were all for naught.
The damaging message inferred from the learning-loss narrative is that educators' "extraordinary commitments" and dedicated "talents, energy, and resources" last year were all for naught.
Competency-based grading is one doable step toward deepening a focus on learning.
With some ingenuity, universal response systems can still work in remote and hybrid learning.
Student learning communities give all students access to deeper learning.
Dive deeper into your own math identity, your students' math identity, and how you can make a positive impacts.
This resource provides tips for classroom prep and what to do in your first classes! (Note section included).
Explore examples of the 3 practices: selecting, sequencing, and connecting.
Comprehension co-author Douglas Fisher discusses why teaching reading comprehension through individual, disconnected strategies isn't improving reading comprehension, and what to try instead.
This resource includes examples and ideas for preparing worked examples to support student understanding of the Break Apart and other strategies.
"...An approach that is simple in design but complex in execution. It is more than a little messy,...but is an organizational framework that can have a profound impact on student success and educator collective efficacy!"
This resource discusses tasks as opportunities to practice culturally relevant teaching and provides an activity for your classroom.
Learn about the Hope Wheel and how to use Hope Verbs to adapt content standards and create task goals.