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Lessons Learned From ‘Quaranteaching’
Lessons Learned From ‘Quaranteaching’

The Distance Learning Playbook co-authors Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey discuss empathetic feedback and the feedback model called GREAT. 

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3 Aspects of Comprehension Instruction
3 Aspects of Comprehension Instruction

Co-authors of Comprehension Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey share three aspects of comprehension instruction that they believe are necessary to impact students’ thinking.

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7 Factors Useful in Facilitating Student Collaboration From a Distance
7 Factors Useful in Facilitating Student Collaboration From a Distance

Co-authors of The Distance Learning Playbook Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey discuss 7 factors useful in facilitating student collaboration from a distance. 

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3 Proven Strategies for Removing Labels From Students
3 Proven Strategies for Removing Labels From Students

Co-authors of Removing Labels Dominique Smith, Douglas Fisher, and Nancy Frey share three strategies educators can take to reduce negative labeling of students.

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Success Criteria: An Essential (and often underutilized) Component of Teacher Clarity
Success Criteria: An Essential (and often underutilized) Component of Teacher Clarity

Co-author of The Success Criteria Playbook John Almarode shares how expanding our perspective on what success criteria are and how we create and communicate them in our classrooms will have a noticeable effect on how our learners engage in the learning.

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The “I” and “We” Skills Needed for Collective Student Efficacy
The “I” and “We” Skills Needed for Collective Student Efficacy

Co-authors of Collective Student Efficacy John Hattie, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Shirley Clarke share the “I” and “We” skills that teachers need to develop to make student collaboration powerful and valuable.  

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Chapter 1: District leaders define equity by knowing students and finding allies
Chapter 1: District leaders define equity by knowing students and finding allies

This section of Equity Warriors chapter 1 includes the section introduction and an exploration of balancing conflicts to build an equity agenda.

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Podcast: Visioning to Address Student Trauma
Podcast: Visioning to Address Student Trauma

Listen to author Christine Mason as she explores strategies for addressing student trauma on this Cultivating Resilience podcast.

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Podcast: Visioning to Address Trauma Through Mindfulness
Podcast: Visioning to Address Trauma Through Mindfulness

Listen as author Christine Mason discusses mindfulness strategies for addressing trauma in school on the Cultivating Resilience podcast.

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