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Leading the Rebound: Rebuilding Agency, Accelerating Learning Recovery, and Rethinking Schools
Leading the Rebound: Rebuilding Agency, Accelerating Learning Recovery, and Rethinking Schools

Authors of Leading the Rebound Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, Dominique Smith, and John Hattie discuss how we should draw on the many lessons learned so we can take advantage of this unprecedent moment in time to create better systems for schooling.

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How Tutoring Works webinar
How Tutoring Works webinar

Authors of How Tutoring Works Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Almarode show how effective tutoring begins with the strong and caring relationship a tutor establishes with a learner to build trust, fuel motivation, and drive critical learning.

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Removing Labels: Disrupting the Negative Effects of Labels and Assumptions
Removing Labels: Disrupting the Negative Effects of Labels and Assumptions

Authors of Removing Labels Dominique Smith, Douglas Fisher, and Nancy Frey explore the ways that labels can be removed so that expectations for success become reality.

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Great Teaching by Design: From Intention to Implementation
Great Teaching by Design: From Intention to Implementation

Authors of Great Teaching by Design John Hattie, Vince Bustamante, John Almarode, Douglas Fisher, and Nancy Frey lead you through how to turn good intentions into great practice through a model of implementation.

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The 10 Minute Teacher Podcast: Successful Distance Learning for Young Kids
The 10 Minute Teacher Podcast: Successful Distance Learning for Young Kids

Dr. Nancy Frey, co-author of the Distance Learning Playbook, explores how to reach the youngest students at a distance and support families.

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Distance Learning Up Close: Teaching for Engagement and Impact in Any Setting
Distance Learning Up Close: Teaching for Engagement and Impact in Any Setting

In this webinar, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie draw on their newly published The Distance Learning Playbook to reveal what works best in teaching, assessing, and planning in your online classroom—per 25+ years of Visible Learning® research and evidence.

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Feedback that Promotes Academic Growth Podcast with Doug Fisher
Feedback that Promotes Academic Growth Podcast with Doug Fisher

On this LLCN Brief podcast episode, Visible Learning for Literacy co-author Doug Fisher shares his perspective related to Feedback and the research surrounding the use of feedback to influence growth. 

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The Peak Performing Teacher: Introduction and Self-Reflection
The Peak Performing Teacher: Introduction and Self-Reflection

"The greatest gift is self-love." In this introduction to The Peak Performing Teacher, author Mike Kuczala shares his vision of self-love and self-care for readers and guides you through self-reflection to outline your personal goals, dreams, and beliefs.


Chapter 1: Opportunity Gaps—Our Ultimate Challenge
Chapter 1: Opportunity Gaps—Our Ultimate Challenge

"School counselors, by and large, report that they are concerned about education disparities and believe that they are doing everything they can to close gaps in opportunities." In this Chapter, author Cheryl Holcomb-McCoy shares the root causes of racial injustices in education.

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Ten Reasons to Shake Up Shared Reading
Ten Reasons to Shake Up Shared Reading

What are the benefits of shaking up shared reading? View the multiple classroom applications and advantages!

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Read-Aloud Experiences at a Glance
Read-Aloud Experiences at a Glance

This introduction section allows you to get a behind the scenes look at the structure of the Read-Aloud Experience.

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