The Distance Learning Playbook author Doug Fisher talks how to schedule break-out rooms, practice time, and other hard-to-manage areas of distance learning
The Distance Learning Playbook author Doug Fisher talks how to schedule break-out rooms, practice time, and other hard-to-manage areas of distance learning
Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey talk with Andrea Samadi about The Distance Learning Playbook.
John Hattie, Douglas Fisher, and Nancy Frey talk the Distance Learning Playbook to talk about teaching, assessing, and planning in the online classroom.
Corwin author Douglas Fisher talks The Distance Learning Playbook on the Principal Center Radio podcast.
Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, Vince Bustamante, and John Hattie draw on The Assessment Playbook for Distance and Blended Learning to discuss how assessments implemented through the lens of distance and hybrid learning can yield significant impact for student achievement, both in the pandemic teaching of today, and in the educational contexts of the future.
In this "Practitioner's Corner" from How the Brain Learns, 6th Edition, you'll learn several key strategies for incorporating movement into your lessons for students of all ages, improving engagement and helping them retain the lessons learned.
In this "Practitioner's Corner" from How the Brain Learns, 6th Edition, you'll learn how teaching concepts that are similar can hinder, rather than help, transfer learning. Plus, author David A. Sousa offers his solutions.
Chapters 5 & 6 from The Quick Guide to Simultaneous, Hybrid, and Blended Learning
Joe Feldman discusses his book Grading for Equity and how shifting grading practices can change the landscape of schools and potentially the future for students.
“Is this just another passing educational initiative?” Our answer: No! Michelle Trujillo discusses in this excerpt how this new social-emotional learning (SEL) framework emphasizes making SEL a "way of being"—not another thing to add to your To Do list.
Serena Pariser joins BAM Education Radio Podcast to talk about what middle schoolers need and what qualities make middle school teachers effective.
This excerpt from Leading Powerful Professional Learning guides the reader through navigating perceptions of risk, including why it matters, how to do it, key challenges, what to notice, and vignettes.