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Module 3 - What Are The Barriers to Learning?
Module 3 - What Are The Barriers to Learning?

In Module 3, the authors describe the challenges to acquisition, consolidation, and storage of learning.

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Activity 3.10: Same and Different
Activity 3.10: Same and Different

Learn about the "Same and Different" routine, which prompts students to compare two expressions.


Activity 3.4: Build the Fraction and Decimal Track
Activity 3.4: Build the Fraction and Decimal Track

This classroom companion activity supports fluency building using fraction and decimal tracks.


Activity 2.6: Count On/Count Back Worked Examples
Activity 2.6: Count On/Count Back Worked Examples

This activity provides worked examples to better student understanding of the Count On/Count Back strategy.


Goal Setting Worksheets
Goal Setting Worksheets

"Step Into Student Goal Setting" has many goal setting worksheets with various grade level examples to utilize in your classroom.


Webinar: Simultaneous and Hybrid Teaching: Roomies and Zoomies Learning Together
Webinar: Simultaneous and Hybrid Teaching: Roomies and Zoomies Learning Together

In this webinar, Douglas Fisher, John Almarode, Nancy Frey, and Aleigha Henderson-Rosser guide viewers to extract, integrate, and implement what works best from both distance learning and face-to-face learning environments.

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Podcast: 3Ps in a Pod, Distance Learning with Dr. Doug Fisher
Podcast: 3Ps in a Pod, Distance Learning with Dr. Doug Fisher

Doug Fisher talk with 3Ps hosts Mary and Angelia about the creation of The Distance Learning Playbook, which he wrote with Nancy Frey and John Hattie.

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Webinar: Going Deeper with Distance Learning
Webinar: Going Deeper with Distance Learning

In this webinar, Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie discuss cohesive instructional design tools powered by formative evaluation, tools for supporting school leaders working at a distance, and ways to deepen partnerships between home and school

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Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast, Nancy Frey: The Distance Learning Playbook
Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast, Nancy Frey: The Distance Learning Playbook

Nancy Frey talks with Daniel Bauer about The Distance Learning Playbook on topics including pivoting during a crisis, building relationships when at a distance, and future proofing students. 

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