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Mindframes for Effective Leadership
Mindframes for Effective Leadership

This resource from How Leadership Works includes 10 mindframes for effective leadership including impact, change and challenge, and learning focus mindframes. 

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How's Your Instructional Leadership Self-Efficacy?
How's Your Instructional Leadership Self-Efficacy?

This extract from How Leadership Works includes a checklist for examining your sense of self-efficacy for instructional leadership. 

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Types of De-implementation
Types of De-implementation

Explore the 4 types change that should be considered during de-implementation planning: reverse, reduce, replace, and rethink, from How Leadership Works

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What Resources Do I Need for High-Impact Instruction, and How Do I Introduce Them?
What Resources Do I Need for High-Impact Instruction, and How Do I Introduce Them?

This resource in includes the do's and don'ts about setting up writing partnerships, the benefits of intentional classroom charts, and multiple figures as examples.

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What Are Some Systems and Structures of a Writing Community?
What Are Some Systems and Structures of a Writing Community?

To help establish your classroom's writing community, Melanie Meehan discusses common and individual goals, routines, and much more.

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How Should I Think About and Guide Students’ Writing Processes?
How Should I Think About and Guide Students’ Writing Processes?

Packed with charts, figures, ad examples, this resource will dive into the writing process and its different stages.

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Foreword by Ibram X. Kendi
Foreword by Ibram X. Kendi

In the foreword to School Counseling to Close Opportunity Gaps, bestselling author Ibram X. Kendi describes the need for school counselors to be antiracist in order to provide ALL students with the opportunity to succeed.

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Appendix 1.1 Culturally Sustaining Checklist
Appendix 1.1 Culturally Sustaining Checklist

Use this checklist to address unconscious bias.


Appendix 1.2 Action Plan
Appendix 1.2 Action Plan

Answers the questions included in this self-reflection resource to work toward addressing unconscious bias.


Appendix 1.3 Responsive Resources
Appendix 1.3 Responsive Resources

Utilize multiple QR codes that unlock additional resources that will help you continue to learn about unconscious bias.


Chapter 3: What is Brilliance?
Chapter 3: What is Brilliance?

"Potential is never set in stone; our capacity for curiosity and our thirst for knowledge and new skills should continue until our last day on Earth."


Building to Impact Preface
Building to Impact Preface

In the preface to Building to Impact, the authors discuss the need for a clear methodology focused on implementation and creating lasting and sustainable change in schools.

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