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The Early Childhood Education Playbook Introduction
The Early Childhood Education Playbook Introduction

In this introduction to The Early Childhood Education Playbook, the authors share the learning intentions of the playbook as well as provide several reflection prompts to determine your goals for engaging with this work as well as how you can use this playbook to unpack unique characteristics of early childhood education as well as coherent practices that form a strong foundation for learning over time.

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Reimagining Student Engagement Introduction & Ch1
Reimagining Student Engagement Introduction & Ch1

In this excerpt from Reimagining Student Engagement, author Amy Berry shares her three main aims for the book and clarifies some of the misunderstandings around what engagement in the classroom.

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Supporting Educators to Become Equity-Focused Change Agents Webinar
Supporting Educators to Become Equity-Focused Change Agents Webinar

In this webinar, author Justin Cohen is joined by two educators featured in the book along with Derek Mitchell, the CEO of Partners in School Innovation, a nonprofit organization that supported educators in this work. Presenters share: 

  • First-hand experience with an equity-focused approach to school transformation that builds the capacity of educators to drive change
  • A proven, results-oriented cycle of inquiry for sustainable school improvement
  • The need for educators to understand their local history, identities, and biases for successful school improvement

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Making Learning Visible in Early Childhood Through Play
Making Learning Visible in Early Childhood Through Play

Research shows PLAY WORKS in #EarlyChildhoodEducation—but what makes it most effective? The Visible Learning in Early Childhood authors share how you can use play to accelerate learning.

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Webinar: 7 Mindshifts for School Leaders
Webinar: 7 Mindshifts for School Leaders

How do we think about the most vexing problems in education? In this webinar, you will hear how applying new mindshifts can re-energize your belief that you can solve long-standing problems in education. New ways of thinking about old problems like equity, teacher retention, grading, and reading ability will unlock the solutions you’ve been looking for.

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Tasks as Opportunities to Practice Culturally Relevant Teaching
Tasks as Opportunities to Practice Culturally Relevant Teaching

This excerpt offers a list of culturally relevant mathematics tasks and also provides an example of how student can find connections between mathematics and real life.

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Responding with Hope
Responding with Hope

This excerpt includes "The Hope Wheel" graphic and how educators can use it to adapt content standards with hope verbs.

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Webinar: Responsive Collaboration for IEP and 504 Teams
Webinar: Responsive Collaboration for IEP and 504 Teams

Ignite a spirit of inquiry and discover how to approach IEP and 504 Team meetings as an opportunity to strengthen relationships and networks of support. In this webinar, Albert Johnson-Mussad and Laurel Peltier present their framework for identifying opportunities to build connections between educators, establish relationships with service providers, strengthen school-family partnerships, address inequities, and develop student self-determination.

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Webinar: Truly Impactful Early Childhood Education
Webinar: Truly Impactful Early Childhood Education

Discover how research can guide our decisions as we plan, teach, document, and partner with learners, families and colleagues. In this webinar, authors Kateri Thunder, John Almarode, Alisha Demchak, Douglas Fisher, and Nancy Frey unpack coherent practices that form a strong foundation for learning over time.

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Book Study
Book Study

Welcome to the book study for Melanie Meehan and Kelsey Sorum's The Responsive Writing Teacher, Grades K-5: A Hands-on Guide to Child-Centered, Equitable Instruction. We have deliberately designed this book study to be collaborative so that most weeks the group is splitting the recommended in-class activities among the members of the book study.


What's New in the Second Edition
What's New in the Second Edition

This book focuses on the ways in which school leaders—including superintendents, principals, curriculum supervisors, coaches, mentors, teachers, teacher educators, and other stakeholders—can create effective school policies, practices, and structures for MLs in their contexts. Read on to learn what's changed since the first edition of this bestselling book was published and explore the focus of each chapter.

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