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Environments Where Students Feel Welcome
Environments Where Students Feel Welcome

When we think of inclusivity, it’s natural to envision ways to provide access for students who have academic or physical needs. Although this is certainly a key feature of equitable classrooms, the precursor to inclusive instruction and assessment is establishing an emotionally safe culture. This resource includes specific strategies you can use to be intentionally inviting to your students.


Remove Barriers to Student Engagement
Remove Barriers to Student Engagement

Our students’ focus, participation, and interest in the activities of their learning are what we call “engagement”. But the benefits of engagement extend far beyond what we can see in the moment. Our long-term goal is for students to gain the skills of curiosity, focus, persistence, and self regulation. Download this excerpt for strategies you can test to build and maintain student engagement.


Prepare to Take Off
Prepare to Take Off

This book aims to facilitate collaborative approaches while working with dual language learners, transforming dual language programs for multilingualism. Each of the chapters provides essential, research-informed, evidence-based content; tools and resources for actionable transfer to practice; real-world vignettes with work samples and photos; and built-in points of reflection that allow you to make each chapter applicable to your own context. Download this sample for a more detailed summary of each chapter and the book’s key tools.


Dual Language is For Everyone
Dual Language is For Everyone

What is dual language education and what are its benefits? How can collaboration and co-teaching support dual language educators? This free sample may change the way you think about dual language learning!

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Collaborative Planning in Dual Language Programs
Collaborative Planning in Dual Language Programs

Collaborative planning is an essential component of dual language programs regardless of the model of instruction. This sample presents the what, when, and why of collaborative planning. Read on to discover how collaborative planning can ensure impactful program implementation and consistent and rigorous yet highly supportive learning experiences for all students.


How Scaffolding Works Webinar
How Scaffolding Works Webinar

What is scaffolding, when do we scaffold learning, who needs scaffolding, and how long should we scaffold? This webinar breaks down the latest research on how we support student learning and, most importantly, how scaffolding works.

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Lesson 2: The Transcontinental Railroad
Lesson 2: The Transcontinental Railroad

This lesson helps students build their comprehension skills using the book Locomotive by Brian Floca.


Questions to Consider When Reading for Critical Comprehension
Questions to Consider When Reading for Critical Comprehension

This resource provides questions to consider when reading for critical comprehension to support your work as you and your students read against the text.

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Three Questions You Should Be Asking Students to Build Teacher Credibility
Three Questions You Should Be Asking Students to Build Teacher Credibility

Whether we consider the effect size of teacher efficacy or annual state testing results, the bottom line is, if students don’t buy into our practice or the belief that they can be successful in our classroom, what else matters? Justin Stygles, teacher and author of the new book, I Hate Teaching, suggests three questions you should be asking your students to build trust and credibility with your students.

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Webinar: Preparing Children for Success in School and Life
Webinar: Preparing Children for Success in School and Life

Children’s brains develop faster in the early years than at any other time in their lives. If you want to make the most of this pivotal period, there is no time to waste. In this webinar with Marcia Tate, you’ll discover techniques that help to ensure children are physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally healthy from the start.

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Introduction: How Scaffolding Works
Introduction: How Scaffolding Works

The introduction to How Scaffolding Works introduces the concept of scaffolding and how it applies to learning in our schools and classrooms.

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The Foundations of Scaffolding
The Foundations of Scaffolding

This module from How Scaffolding Works explores the four foundations of scaffolding to better understand how scaffolding accelerates learning.

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