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Starting With Our Students and Ourselves
Starting With Our Students and Ourselves

This book focuses on creating, implementing, and sustaining effective language assistance programs for MLs. This sample chapter explores three questions that together provide a useful starting point for school- and district-leaders approaching this work:

  • Who are MLs?
  • Typically, who are the educators of MLs
  • How does our work to support MLs complement our district's or school's mission and vision?

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Emphasizing the Importance of Family Engagement
Emphasizing the Importance of Family Engagement

Every family constellation, regardless of configuration, is foundational to a child’s development, understanding of the world around them, social interactions, and cultural identity. This sample chapter includes strategies for linking parent involvement to student learning and provides sample staff and family surveys you can adapt to your school.


Vocabulary Considerations
Vocabulary Considerations

Learn more about math and science vocabulary considerations in this excerpt.

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Belonging Chapter 1: Belonging is a Basic Need
Belonging Chapter 1: Belonging is a Basic Need

In this excerpt from Belonging, author Dustin Bindreiff outlines how, as stated by Johann Hari, "human instinct is honed not for life on your own, but for life in a tribe. Humans need tribes as much as bees need a hive."

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Introduction to Preparing Children for Success in School and Life
Introduction to Preparing Children for Success in School and Life

In the Introduction to Preparing Children for Success in School and Life, expert Marcia Tate shares why parents and early childhood educators have such a critical job and how the lessons in the book can prepare them for the task of preparing children for a successful future.

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Webinar: Putting FACES on the Data
Webinar: Putting FACES on the Data

Celebrating the newly published 10th Anniversary Edition of Putting FACES on the Data, Lyn Sharratt and Michael Fullan bring together their exciting work over the last ten years and will cover fresh case studies and research that will help you think about data and competencies and how they come together to improve system, school, and student performance.

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The InterActive Classroom: Final Thoughts
The InterActive Classroom: Final Thoughts

In this excerpt from The InterActive Classroom, author Ron Nash shares his thoughts on the powerful effect that teachers can have on their classrooms by creating environments full of contagious energy that engages students in learning.

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Just Teaching Tool #1
Just Teaching Tool #1

This first tool is designed to help you look at each student so you can create a forest that grows each student into a thriving giant.

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Get to know the author, Johnathan Eckert and the purpose and inspiration behind his book Just Teaching.

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Explore this inspiring professional book study focused on gender equity, inclusion, overcoming barriers, utilizing support factors, and sponsoring and mentoring emerging leaders.

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Owning the Stories We Tell
Owning the Stories We Tell

Many of the stories in this journal, shared with us by our female sisters in leadership, illustrate the power of myths, biases, imposter syndrome, stereotypes, and gender inequities. As we read the stories of others and contemplate our own, this journal provides the counternarrative, a different story for emerging female leaders. Download this free sample to reflect on your own leadership story.


Chapter 11: The Instructional Leader Team's Cycle of Inquiry
Chapter 11: The Instructional Leader Team's Cycle of Inquiry

How do your teachers, instructional coaches, assistant principals, and school building leaders within your organization best learn? This cycle of inquiry will help you best meet the needs of your school community.

