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Writing Workouts Memory Maps
Writing Workouts Memory Maps

This resource outlines how to use memory maps, when to use them, and why they work.

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The Case for Teaching Critical Reading and Fighting Fake News
The Case for Teaching Critical Reading and Fighting Fake News

In this introduction to Fighting Fake News, the authors explore fake news and where we find it, how it can affect us, and why it can be dangerous and problematic for today’s students.

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Knowing Your Own Mind
Knowing Your Own Mind

Despite the immensely powerful manipulations of artificial intelligence (AI) and social media, and the cognitive biases embedded in our minds, research does show that we can be more consciously aware, reflective, and rational about news and other forms of information. It all begins with knowing your own mind. Explore a lesson from Fighting Fake News to learn the questions to get you and your students started.

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Logic Model
Logic Model

The logic model is designed to place into a hierarchal order the principles by which true family engagement and the ultimate development and nurturing of family efficacy can be implemented, measured, and, most importantly, sustained.


Case Study Excerpt
Case Study Excerpt

Case study excerpt with application questions to help you engage with the five simple principles.


Introduction: What Is Instructional Feedback All About?
Introduction: What Is Instructional Feedback All About?

In this Introduction from Instructional Feedback, the authors share how one of the most important ways we reach our students is through the feedback we provide on their work.

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Algebra Task 7.3
Algebra Task 7.3

In this algebra task, students use properties of operations to modify algebraic riddles.


Algebra Task 8.8
Algebra Task 8.8

In this task, students create functions to model patterns found in geometric and table representations and identify rate of change (slope).


 Universal Design for Learning and Beyond Webinar
Universal Design for Learning and Beyond Webinar

In this webinar, Lee Ann facilitates thinking around Universal Design for Learning as a means to bring equity in learning experiences and outcomes for a broad range of student variability.

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Preface & Introduction: Accelerating Learning for All, PreK-8
Preface & Introduction: Accelerating Learning for All, PreK-8

Get a sneak peek at the content of Accelerating Learning for All, PreK-8, with the preface and introduction.

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