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Veeder, Sally A.

Sally Anne Veeder

Prior to her retirement from Western Michigan University in September 2010, Ms. Veeder served as assistant director of the WMU Evaluation Center for more than 26 years.

Scheibe, Cynthia L.

Cynthia L. Scheibe

Cyndy Scheibe is the Executive Director and Founder of Project Look Sharp, one of the leading media literacy organizations serving K-12 and college educators in the U.S. and a pioneer of curriculum-driven media literacy education.

Rogow, Faith

Faith Rogow

Faith Rogow was the founding president of the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE), a founding advisor of Project Look Sharp, and a founding editorial board member of the Journal for Media Literacy Education. She has been a leading media literacy educator, theorist, and strategist for more than two decades, with special interest in early childhood, pedagogy, and diversity issues.

Dack, Lisa Ain

Lisa Ain Dack

Lisa Ain Dack is a senior associate at Aporia Consulting Ltd. and an instructor in the Master of Teaching and Master of Child Study and Education programs at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE, UT). She has a PhD in developmental psychol­ogy and education from OISE, UT, with a collaborative degree in developmental science.

Bakis, Maureen M.

Maureen M. Bakis

Maureen Bakis is a mother of four children and has been teaching English at Masconomet Regional High School in Topsfield, Massachusetts for seven years. Maureen presents her experiences teaching graphic novels to high school students at local, regional, and national conferences and events, most recently New York Comic Con, Harvard University’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies, and New England Comics in the Classroom.

Drake, Hilleary M.

Hilleary Michele Drake

Hilleary Drake has taught fifth grade for six years in Riverton, Wyoming. Growing up in Texas during the initial wave of the “testing craze” she understands just how harmful it can be when testing drives instruction. She earned her undergraduate degree from Texas A&M-Corpus Christi and her Master’s degree from the University of Iowa. While at Iowa she worked with Iowa Testing Progams as a graduate assistant, gaining behind-the-scene knowledge of the testing industry.

Reason, Clair M.

Clair M. Reason

Clair "Tuffy" Reason attended the University of Toledo, where he received his bachelor's degree in education and was a Mid-American Conference Champion Division I basketball player. In the Army, Tuffy was a member of the Border Patrol in West Germany and served as a reporter for the Stars and Stripes military newspaper. After college and the army, he worked in commercial radio as a sportscaster, news writer, and talk show interviewer at stations in Ohio and Michigan.

Haydon, Kathryn P.

Kathryn P. Haydon

Kathryn P. Haydon has been an advocate for early second language learning, and has taught and developed curriculum for preschool and elementary school Spanish programs. She has also worked extensively with high-school aged Hispanic students as a college essay writing coach.

Olivia G. Bolanos

Olivia Gutierrez Bolaños is the Coordinator of Curriculum and Instruction in the Santa Maria-Bonita School District where one of her responsibilities is overseeing the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program. She taught bilingual education for 11 years and was a principal for 12 years. Olivia comes from a family very similar to the students she has worked with.
