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4439 Results Found


Russell, Susan Jo

Susan Jo Russell

Susan Jo Russell began her career in education as a K-3 classroom teacher and elementary mathematics coach. For the last four decades, she has been a senior researcher at TERC, a nonprofit organization that focuses on mathematics and science education, where she directed projects on children’s mathematical understanding and on supporting teachers to learn more about mathematics and about children's mathematical thinking.

Schifter, Deborah

Deborah Schifter

Deborah Schifter has worked as an applied mathematician; has taught elementary, secondary, and college level mathematics; and, since 1985, has been a mathematics teacher educator and educational researcher at Mount Holyoke College and at the Education Development Center.

Taryl Hansen

Taryl Hansen, is a National Board Certified Teacher, Associate Trainer of Cognitive Coaching SM, a highly skilled visual practitioner, and the founder of Frame the Message Ink. As a live graphic recorder, Taryl works internationally to create vibrant and engaging visuals that bring essential elements to the forefront for learners, enhancing retention, engagement, and inspiring learners to collaborate in more meaningful ways.

Belnap, Ben

Ben Belnap

Ben Belnap is an award-winning clinical psychologist practicing in the state of Utah. Dr. Belnap has contributed to state and national professional learning trainings for over a decade focusing on the applications of Positive Psychology, Family Systems, and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Dr. Belnap has served in schools as an assistant superintendent of student services, behavior specialist, and school psychologist. Dr.

Stewart, Rachael

Rachael Stewart

Rachael Stewart, Ed.D., is a Professor and Director of Academic and Career Programs within theDivision of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity at San Diego State University. Her research and serviceconcentrate on organizational change, policies, and practices within educational systems, particularlyhow these frameworks foster student success through engagement, retention, and post-graduate

Fröjd, Kennet

Kennet Fröjd

Kennet Fröjd has for more than 30 years worked towards inclusion based on evidence-informed learning and teaching strategies. He has his main specialties in adapted physical activity and in teaching with a particular focus on sensory motor development.. Another specialty is stress management.

Burwell, Holly

Holly Burwell

Holly Burwell is a teacher, math specialist, learning facilitator, and instructional coach with students and educators in grades Pre-K through 12. She consults through her business Inspired Mathematics supporting math educators across the country and regularly presents professional learning sessions at conferences including NCTM, NCSM, and the Model Schools Conferences.

Chapman, Sue

Sue Chapman

Sue Chapman has served students and other math learners for over 40 years in the roles of teacher, mathematics coach, campus administrator, district curriculum coordinator, and teacher educator.
