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4439 Results Found


Lowery, Caitlin

Caitlin Lowery

Caitlin Lowery, EdD, is an education consultant with 15 years of experience serving at both the campus and district level. She holds eight service credentials in the state of Texas, including General Education, Reading Specialist, English as a Second Language, and Special Education.

Gonzalez, Valentina

Valentina Gonzalez

Valentina Gonzalez is a former teacher who has served over 25 years in education in her own classroom, as a district facilitator for English learners, a professional development specialist for Multilingual Learners, and an educational consultant. Her work’s primary focus has been on literacy, culture, and language.

Harris, Pamela Weber

Pamela Weber Harris

Pamela Weber Harris is changing the way we view and teach mathematics. Pam is the author of several books, including the Numeracy Problems Strings K-5 series, Building Powerful Numeracy, and the series Foundations for Strategies. As a mom, a former high school math teacher, a university lecturer, and an author, she believes everyone can do more math when it is based in reasoning rather than rote-memorizing or mimicking.

Anderson, Tiffany Chanel

Tiffany Anderson

After serving as a teacher, principal, assistant superintendent, and superintendent, in 2016 Tiffany Anderson EdD, became the first African American female superintendent for Topeka Public Schools in Topeka, Kansas. home of Brown v. Board, the Supreme Court case that ended legal segregation. Dr.

Paonessa, Anne

Anne Paonessa

Dr. Anne Paonessa holds a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction Leadership. She is currently an Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning and has served as both an elementary and middle school principal/teacher as well as Director of Multilingual Learners through high school. Dr. Paonessa has designed and taught graduate level college courses related to innovation within instruction and meeting the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse learners.

Stramel, Janet

Janet Stramel

Dr. Janet Stramel, a Professor and Edna Shutts Williams Endowed Chair at in the College of Education at Fort Hays State University. She joined FHSU after teaching middle school math for 25 years. She currently teaches mathematics methods courses for preservice teachers. Her research focuses on STEM teaching and learning in rural schools.

Lane, Jessica

Jessica Lane

Jessica Lane is an Associate Professor in Counselor Education and Supervision at Kansas State University. Prior to serving as a counselor educator, she was an elementary teacher and school counselor in Kansas. She also served as faculty for nine years in preparing P-12 preservice teachers at Kansas State. Dr.

Thiele, Julie

Julie Thiele

Julie Thiele is an Associate Professor at Wichita State University. She teaches elementary mathematics methods, internship, assessment and mentoring courses and serves as the Instructional Coordinator in the Teacher Apprentice Program.

Goodheart Peterson, Jolene

Jolene Goodheart-Peterson

Jolene Goodheart Peterson is an Education Consultant for Smoky Hill Education Service Center as well as a Teacher Leader Consultant for the Kansas State Department of Education. Jolene has dedicated her educational career to mathematics, excelling as a teacher and instructional specialist. She focuses on effective teaching practices, fostering a mathematical mindset, and improving grading and reporting.

Vazquez, Bertha

Bertha Vazquez

Bertha Vazquez is a retired science teacher who taught middle school for 34 years in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. She is the education director at The Center for Inquiry, an international nonprofit organization that promotes reason and science. She runs a teacher-led network of more than 100 teachers who have presented more than 400 professional development sessions for their fellow teachers in all 50 U.S. states.
