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Excerpt: Out of Crisis Breakthrough Leadership Supplement
Excerpt: Out of Crisis Breakthrough Leadership Supplement

"How can educators use lessons learned during the pandemic to create a more equitable learning environment for all students, keep the positive aspects of distance learning while mitigating the negative effects, and support students who are marginalized because of lack of internet access and families who are struggling economically and cannot support learning from home?"


Chapter 1 - Self motivation: What is it and how do we use it to empower children?
Chapter 1 - Self motivation: What is it and how do we use it to empower children?

"In working with educators and parents/guardians throughout the country, I sometimes hear the common question, 'Kids today are so hard to motivate, what is wrong with them?' Now, more than ever, it is critical for students to become intrinsically driven and ready to pursue knowledge unconventionally."

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Task 10
Task 10

Task 10 will teach students how to use arrays and equations to solve problems involving multiplication and division.

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Task 31
Task 31

Task 31 is about equal shares: partitioning circles and squares.

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Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction

In this excerpt from the second edition of The Pedagogy of Real Talk, author Paul Hernandez shares his personal experience as a student at-promise and what inspired him to develop his Real Talk pedagogy.

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Comparing Deliberate Practice and Tutoring
Comparing Deliberate Practice and Tutoring

In this chart from How Tutoring Works, the authors compare the components of deliberate practice and tutoring and provide clear action steps for developing expertise in tutoring.

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Tutoring Planning Template
Tutoring Planning Template

Use this template from How Tutoring Works to track the progress of students in tutoring programs, align instruction to standards, and utilize evidence-based practices from the learning sciences.

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How Tutoring Works Introduction
How Tutoring Works Introduction

In this introductory excerpt from How Tutoring Works, the authors present their new model of tutoring built around building student confidence and competence.

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Questions to Ask About the Tutoring Program
Questions to Ask About the Tutoring Program

As you move into a tutoring role, consider this table from How Tutoring Works, which lists possible questions to ask first, including questions around the program goals, curriculum and materials, and assessment.

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Deliberate Practice in Action
Deliberate Practice in Action

In this excerpt from How Tutoring Works, see the steps of deliberate practice in action.

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Chapter 1: Leading for Equity
Chapter 1: Leading for Equity

"To understand street data and its potential for transformation, we must first understand the ways in which our current beliefs about learning and equity have been formed."

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Chapter 2: Leading Teacher Learning
Chapter 2: Leading Teacher Learning

"A key principle is to move beyond the pursuit of novel and new practices and instead focus intently on improving student learning."

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