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California CARES Act Funding on Student Learning

PD Programs and Resources Eligible for CA State & Federal Funding

The global pandemic challenged our education system in unprecedented ways. As our communities rebound and recover, we have a unique opportunity to re-envision education in ways that better serve all our students.

Beachboard, Cathleen

Cathleen Beachboard

Cathleen Beachboard is a teacher, author, and researcher. She writes and creates content for Edutopia and has been featured by TED-Ed. After adopting five children out of a case of extreme abuse and neglect, she has been on a mission to improve outcomes for those who experience trauma and anxiety. Cathleen has taught middle school English for the past 15 years. She also works as a part-time researcher holding an M.A. in Psychology.

Johnson-Mussad, Albert

Albert Johnson-Mussad

Albert E. Johnson-Mussad, Ph.D., is a Leadership and Instruction Continuous Improvement Consultant at the Collaborative for Educational Services in Massachusetts. Albert holds a Ph.D. in applied linguistics (language teaching, testing and learning) from Georgetown University.  He has worked in PK-12 schools for 30 years as a teacher, professional development facilitator, and instructional leader.

Peltier, Laurel

Laurel Peltier

Laurel Peltier, Ed.D., is a Curriculum and Instructional Specialist in Special Education at the Collaborative for Educational Services in Massachusetts. Laurel holds an Ed.D.

Kesson, Hugh

Hugh Kesson

Hugh Kesson trained as a high school teacher in London and has since worked in a variety of educational roles and settings in the UK, US, and Australia. He earned his PhD at Temple University’s College of Education where his doctoral work investigated the influences of digital technologies on reading and reading instruction. Hugh's writing has appeared in English Teaching: Practice & Critique. 

Rivera, Georgina

Georgina Rivera

Georgina Rivera is a passionate math educator, coach, author, and presenter focused on equity, collective teacher efficacy, culturally relevant pedagogy, and teacher leadership. She currently serves as a school administrator for Bristol Public Schools. Prior to this position, she was the district’s math coach and elementary STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) supervisor; she began her career as a middle school math teacher.

Hutchings, Gregory C.

Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr.

Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr. is a nationally recognized educational leader, antiracism activist, and adjunct professor who unapologetically advocates for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color and racial equity. He has over twenty years of combined educational experience as a teacher, school principal, central office administrator, superintendent, and college professor.

Reed, Douglas S.

Douglas S. Reed

Douglas S. Reed is a Professor of Government at Georgetown University, where he is the founding director of the MA Program in Educational Transformation. His research interests center on the politics of education, educational policymaking, federalism, and judicial politics.
